
Compare FeedbackFive vs Feedback Genius

Learn why more Amazon sellers have trusted FeedbackFive since 2009.
Feedback and review management dashboard in FeedbackFive

FeedbackFive vs Feedback Genius Pricing

Feedback Genius pricing is based on your annual Amazon sales volume with plans starting at $49/month. FeedbackFive offers the flexibility to choose the plan level you need based on how many emails you want to send per month. FeedbackFive plans start at $24/month.

In order to use Feedback Genius, you’ll need to purchase the Seller Labs Pro program, which is advertised as an all-in-one solution. There is no option to purchase Feedback Genius a la carte, which is inconvenient if you don’t want or need the other tools.

eComEngine offers a suite of tools in addition to FeedbackFive, but those can be purchased on an as-needed basis. All FeedbackFive plan levels include the option to automate the Request a Review button or use Buyer-Seller Messaging for sending feedback and review requests. Amazon sellers (and vendors) can also use the FeedbackFive Product Review Management feature a la carte starting at $10/month.

Trevor Hamon

I signed up for both Feedback Genius and FeedbackFive and I just felt more comfortable with FeedbackFive; what was available, the options that were available, how it worked…and so I dropped Feedback Genius at the end of the free trial and have focused on FeedbackFive.
- Trevor Hamon, Seller


Feedback Genius Reviews vs FeedbackFive Reviews

Feedback Genius is software built by Seller Labs just as FeedbackFive is built by eComEngine.
There are many reasons why FeedbackFive is the #1 reputation management software on the market for Amazon sellers.
Check out what other sellers think about the companies behind these tools on TrustPilot:

Seller Labs Review on Trustpilot

Source: Date: 6/22/2021

eComEngine Reviews on Trustpilot

Source: Date: 6/22/2021

More Sellers Count On FeedbackFive by eComEngine

Trusted by tens of thousands of Amazon sellers in over 100 countries and across 17 Amazon marketplaces.

Campmor logo

After a few weeks of being signed up with FeedbackFive, with their awesome tools we raised our feedback score an outstanding 7 points. We went from an 88% positive feedback to well over 95% in less than 2 short months and we are still going strong.
-Nick Scilingo Director of eCommerce Technology Campmor, Inc

Ready to Increase Your Reviews Today?

Whether you are a new seller or you’re an Enterprise seller who needs to send one million emails a month, FeedbackFive can support your needs and grow with you as you expand your business.

Join tens of thousands of Amazon sellers that use FeedbackFive to get more feedback and reviews.

Free Trial. 100% Amazon Compliant.

Feedback Genius is a registered trademark of its owner and not affiliated with or endorsed by FeedbackFive or eComEngine, LLC. Seller Labs is a registered trademark of its owner and not affiliated with or endorsed by FeedbackFive or eComEngine, LLC.