Hijacker using laptop

Prevent Listing Hijacking

"Someone stole my Amazon listing!"
Don't let this be you! Listing hijacking alerts from SellerPulse can help you identify suspicious activity on your listing. The sooner you know that there's a problem, the faster you can act.

Unfortunately, Amazon listing hijacking is a common issue for sellers. SellerPulse makes it easy to gather the details you need to open a case with Amazon if it happens to you.


Get Hijacking Support

Alerts include recommended actions
If your listing is hijacked, you may need to conduct a test buy and send a cease and desist letter. SellerPulse provides guidance and resources to help you deal with Amazon listing hijackers.

Receive alerts when the number of offers for your listing changes with details including the seller's address, rating, and fulfillment channel.

Laptop with illustration of Amazon listing image change

Suspicious Listing Changes

Identify common hijacker activity with alerts
Changes to the number of offers on your private label listing could indicate hijacker activity. Changes to your listing content such as title, images, or brand name may be another sign, unless you're on a listing with multiple sellers. Some hijackers try to manipulate your listing to get it flagged as an "adult" item. SellerPulse monitors for all of these changes and more, 24 hours a day.

Choose the SellerPulse plan that's right for you.


Listing Health & Brand Protection

Starting at
  • Search Suppression Notifications
  • Hijacker Alerts
  • Buy Box Alerts (Won, Lost/Suppressed)
  • Listing Status Changes
  • Title, Image, and Brand Name Changes
  • Adult Flag Alerts
Starting at

All SellerPulse features PLUS:

  • Request a Review Automation
  • Custom Email Requests
  • Email Analytics
  • Review Monitoring & Analytics
  • Feedback & Review Alerts

Protect Your Listings

Start monitoring your Amazon listings 24/7 with SellerPulse today!