What is SellerPulse?

SellerPulse is a new tool by eComEngine that alerts you when important changes happen to your Amazon listings.


Here are the alerts currently available in SellerPulse:

Listing Status Change

Stay informed when any of your listings becomes search suppressed, inactive, deleted, or active. Choose which of those four listing statuses you would like to be alerted for and how frequently you would like to be notified.

Number of Offers Change

Be alerted if there are any new sellers on your listing, which could indicate a hijacker is selling a counterfeit version of your product.


Listing Content (Title, Image, Brand Name) Change and Flagged as Adult

Unauthorized changes to the content of your listing can negatively impact searchability, brand recognition, and sales. Also, if Amazon mistakenly flags your listing as an adult product, this makes it ineligible for advertising and reduces visibility.

Listing content change alert email from FeedbackFive

Buy Box Change

Losing the Buy Box on Amazon can be a warning sign that something is wrong, and addressing the issue quickly can help maintain your sales and visibility.

Buy Box change alert options in FeedbackFive

Buy Box change alert email from FeedbackFive

Inventory Out of Stock

To prevent your SKUs from losing sales and sales rank, restock as soon as possible when FBA inventory runs out.

Other Features:

  • Alert totals: see the total number of alerts of each type in the last seven days or 24 hours at the top of your dashboard, to detect any trends and understand what might be affecting your sales the most.
  • Recent alert report: download a CSV of alerts from the last seven days or last 24 hours to analyze and visualize further.

You can help!

During the beta phase, we are looking for open and honest feedback about your experience with the feature. Please report any bugs you encounter and let us know how we can improve. To provide feedback about the Product Alerts Beta, please click here.  We appreciate your help!


If you have any questions about the beta phase or would like to become a tester, please contact us. We're here to help and ensure a smooth beta testing experience for everyone.