How do I set up SellerPulse?

Get started with SellerPulse in just a few clicks. Connect your account to Amazon Seller Central, then activate the alerts you need.

Connect to Amazon

  1. On the SellerPulse dashboard, click CONNECT TO AMAZON.
  2. Follow the steps provided to log into Seller Central, then grant standard permissions to SellerPulse so it can monitor listings.

Note: It will look as if you're authorizing FeedbackFive, because FeedbackFive and SellerPulse are connected. This is normal!

Activate Alerts

  1. Flip the switches and select the options to get the alerts you want:
  2. At the bottom of the page, choose whether you want these alerts as a daily digest or individually.
  3. Save changes.


If you prefer to receive alerts for just some of your ASINs (for example, to get alerts when the number of offers changes on your brand's items but not on items you resell), you can do that, too. To specify ASINs:

  1. At the bottom of the SellerPulse dashboard, click CONFIGURE PRODUCTS.
  2. Click the tab for the alert type you want to configure.
  3. Click ADD ASINS.
  4. Paste the ASINs you want to receive alerts for.
  5. Click SAVE.

To remove ASINs, either click the trash icon beside an ASIN in the list, or click REMOVE ALL to clear the ASINs for that alert type (and start receiving the alert for all ASINs again).

Check Your Email

  1. Check the email address you used to sign up for SellerPulse to see the alerts.
  2. Click the "Recommended Actions" links to view more information about each alert and what to do about it on this Help Center.

Listing content change alert email from FeedbackFive

Note: You can also see total numbers for each alert type at the top of your Pulse dashboard, and you can download a log of alerts for the past seven days or past 24 hours by clicking the CSV button at the top right.


If you need help or have any questions or comments about SellerPulse, feel free to contact us.