
Compare FeedbackFive vs FeedbackWhiz

Learn why more Amazon sellers have trusted FeedbackFive since 2009.

Feedback and review management dashboard in FeedbackFive

Feedback Software That Gets Real Results

FeedbackFive® was the first Amazon feedback tool, created by eComEngine in 2009. FeedbackWhiz was created 5 years later. Compare FeedbackFive and FeedbackWhiz to decide which tool will get you the results you want!

  FeedbackFive FeedbackWhiz
Free Trial Length of 60 Days Yes No
Free Trial Includes Unlimited Emails Yes No (2,000)
Product Review Volume Limitations No Yes (5,000)
Experience With Amazon Sellers Since 2009 Yes No
Multiple Accounts & Users Yes Yes
Amazon Marketplace Developer Council Member Yes No
Free Buyer-Seller Messaging Optimization Yes No
Free Product Review Strategy Consultation Yes No
Exclusion Capabilities By Orders, ASINs, & Customers Yes Yes
Multilingual Support Yes No
#1 Rated Feedback and Review App in the Amazon Appstore Yes No
Full support on all plans Yes No
Timing triggers for email campaigns Yes Yes
Target Only Repeat Customers Yes Yes
Custom Labels and Notes Yes Yes
Positive Seller Feedback Integration Yes Yes
Buyer Seller Messaging Templates Yes Yes

Source: Date: 5/10/2020, Source: Date: 7/27/2021


It's pretty gratifying to see those ratings climb, and it definitely confirms for me the wisdom of my investment in FeedbackFive. I'm getting almost 5 times the product review ratings that I was getting when I was manually requesting reviews from my customers, without all that work!
-Andrew Gardner


FeedbackWhiz Reviews vs FeedbackFive Reviews

There are many reasons why FeedbackFive is the #1 reputation management software on the market for Amazon sellers.
Check out what other sellers think about the companies behind these tools on TrustPilot:

FeedbackWhiz Reviews on Trustpilot

Source: Date: 6/22/2021

eComEngine Reviews on Trustpilot

Source: Date: 6/22/2021

FeedbackFive is trusted by Amazon sellers in over 100 countries. It's designed to save you time while making it easy to manage and grow your Amazon seller reputation. Request reviews and feedback with the Amazon Request a Review message or a custom Buyer-Seller Messaging template. Set your timing rules and use campaign rules to send targeted messages, such as a custom message specific to a particular SKU or a message to repeat buyers.

Monitor and analyze reviews to quickly identify trends and opportunities to improve the customer experience. Get alerts for new feedback and reviews by text or email so you can work to resolve any issues right away. Make it a five-star day with FeedbackFive!

FeedbackFive vs FeedbackWhiz Pricing

FeedbackFive and FeedbackWhiz both have pricing based on monthly email volume, offering the flexibility to choose the plan level you need based on how many emails you want to send each month.

Amazon sellers and vendors can use FeedbackFive's Product Review Management feature to track reviews on 2-10 ASINs for free, depending on their plan level. FeedbackFive users can purchase additional credits starting as low as $0.05 per product to track up to 10,000 ASINs or more. FeedbackWhiz offers Product Monitoring Add-on Plans starting at $5/month to track 5 ASINs and users can purchase plans to track up to 5,000 ASINs.

  FeedbackFive FeedbackWhiz
Free Trial Length of 60 Days Yes No
Free Trial Includes Unlimited Emails Yes No (2,000)
Free Buyer-Seller Messaging Optimization Yes No
Free Product Review Strategy Consultation Yes No
Full support on all plans Yes No

Source: Date: 5/10/2020

Beware of FeedbackWhiz Limitations

FeedbackWhiz free trials limit sellers to only send up to 2,000 emails in the first 30 days. With FeedbackFive, you can try any plan level, access all features, and send as many emails as you need to during the 60 day trial.

One of the biggest differences between the two tools is the level of support. With FeedbackWhiz, support is limited on the lower plan levels. To access their live support team, at a minimum, sellers need to be on the Basic plan at $19.99/month. On all FeedbackFive plan levels, sellers receive world class support (in English or Chinese) via email, live chat, and phone.


More Sellers Count On FeedbackFive by eComEngine

Trusted by tens of thousands of Amazon sellers in over 100 countries and across 17 Amazon marketplaces.

Campmor Logo

After a few weeks of being signed up with FeedbackFive, with their awesome tools we raised our feedback score an outstanding 7 points. We went from an 88% positive feedback to well over 95% in less than 2 short months and we are still going strong.
-Nick Scilingo Director of eCommerce Technology Campmor, Inc

Ready to Increase Your Reviews Today?

Whether you are a new seller and want a free plan that includes 50 emails a month, or you’re an Enterprise seller who needs to send one million emails a month and monitor 10,000 ASINs, FeedbackFive can support your needs and grow with you as you expand to other marketplaces.

Join tens of thousands of Amazon sellers that use FeedbackFive to get more feedback and reviews.

Free Trial. 100% Amazon Compliant.

FeedbackWhiz is a registered trademark of its owner and not affiliated with or endorsed by FeedbackFive or eComEngine, LLC.