What can I do on the Seller Feedback page?

FeedbackFive offers tools to help you track and respond to seller feedback. Go to Reviews > Seller Feedback to use these features.

Negative and neutral feedback that you have received on your Amazon seller account in the last 90 days will appear on the Seller Feedback page automatically. You can click on "Request Removal" next to negative and neutral feedback to contact the buyers and ask them to remove their negative feedback (scroll down for more information).

Note: To import positive feedback, you need to enable Enhanced Feature Access. (Learn how here.)

For information on seller feedback and how it is different from product reviews, click here.

Features of the Feedback Page


You can type any text in the Search bar to search the entire Feedback Grid, or use the drop-down selector to select a specific field to search.


Use the faceted navigation on the left to filter your feedback:

  • Date: 
    • Order Date: date the order was placed
    • Last Solicited: the date this order last received a FeedbackFive email from your account
    • Feedback Date: the date the feedback rating was left
    • Date Last Removal Sent: the date the buyer was last contacted regarding their feedback through FeedbackFive (See “Feedback Removal Request” below.)
  • Feedback: Positive (4 or 5 stars), Negative (1, 2, or 3 stars) and Stricken (Amazon takes responsibility for the experience and strikes through the feedback).
  • FBA: the fulfillment channel for the order (Fulfilled by Amazon or merchant-fulfilled).
  • On TimeAs Described and Service: questions Amazon asks the buyer when they leave feedback (may be answered with Yes or No or left blank).

Feedback Removal Request

In the event of neutral or negative feedback, Amazon encourages sellers to contact the buyer and attempt to resolve their concerns.

Once you've addressed the customer's concern, FeedbackFive can assist in getting the feedback removed. Just click on "Request Removal" next to the feedback rating to send a personalized message and a link to remove the feedback. 

For more information on negative feedback removal, see How do I request negative feedback removal?.