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  2. FeedbackFive
  3. Account and Store Settings

How can I add additional users to FeedbackFive?

FeedbackFive allows account owners to create logins for additional users. This allows other people, such as colleagues or virtual assistants, to access to your store(s) and manage your emails.

Users are added at the store level so that you can give different teams access to different stores or international marketplaces.

Add a New User

  1. On the Top Navigation, choose Store Settings, then click Users.
  2. Click Add User.
  3. Enter the first name, last name and email address of the user.
  4. If you would like the new user to receive administrative notification emails from FeedbackFive (such as alerts for negative ratings), toggle “Send Admin Emails?” to Yes. (Note: All users with admin emails turned on will receive invoices, system notifications and alerts.)
  5. Click Save. The new user will receive an email notifying them that they have been added as a user for your account.

Edit a User

Edit a user's details by clicking the pencil icon found on the right side of the Users grid.

Delete a User

Click the red icon found on the right side of the grid to delete a user.


If you have a number of users for your account, you can easily search for a specific user by first name, last name or email address in the search box.