CSV Tips and Tricks for RestockPro

Using CSVs to modify product and supplier information in RestockPro can save a lot of time, as long as you're using them correctly.

Here are some tips for working with CSVs to ensure your success.

Tip #1: Always Save a Backup

We strongly suggest you keep create a backup download CSV before uploading any files:

  1. Click "Download all" from the CSV button on the Products, Suppliers, or Local Inventory page depending on the upload you are about to run.
  2. Give the file a descriptive name to help you remember the date it was created and the name of the file that was uploaded immediately after.

The upload cannot be reversed, so taking the time to create a backup ensures you won't lose any valuable information by mistake.

Tip #2: Opening CSV Files for Best Results (with Excel)

By default, Excel will interpret any numeric fields as numbers. This can cause trouble on coded fields, such as SKUs, if they begin with leading zeros. Following these steps will ensure that leading zeros don’t get lost and that your code fields are correctly handled. 

When opening a CSV file created by RestockPro for viewing or editing in Excel, follow these steps:

  1. Download the file from RestockPro in the usual way, but do NOT double-click to open it directly.
  2. Open Excel to a new empty spreadsheet.
  3. Choose Data > From TextArrow pointing to the open CSV file from text option in Excel
  4. Select the CSV file you downloaded from RestockPro.
  5. The Excel Text Import Wizard will open. Click next.Excel Text Import Wizard
  6. Under “Delimiters,” click OFF the checkbox for Tab and click to choose Comma instead. Then click next.Arrowing pointing to the comma delimiter option in the Excel Text Import Wizard
  7. Under Data Preview, select the SKU column or columns (SKU, Supplier SKU, etc). Under Column data format, change the option from General to Text. Be sure to select all SKU columns that may have numeric values with leading zeroes.Arrows pointing to column data format and data preview options in the Excel Text Import Wizard
  8. Click Finish.
  9. The file with open in Excel. Now you may view or edit it as needed.

Note: Make sure you save the file as a CSV after you’ve finished, otherwise you won’t be able to upload it to RestockPro. Make sure you keep backups of all your files in the event you need to refer back to past information.